Frequently Asked Questions

Finding the right contractor to fix your foundation crack is important to ensure that the job is done correctly and efficiently.  Here are some steps to help you find the best contractor for the job:

Research contractors: Look for contractors who specialize in foundation crack repair only. Check their websites, read reviews, and ask for references.
Check their credentials: Ensure that the contractor has the necessary licenses, insurance, and certifications to perform the work.
Get multiple quotes: Obtain at least three quotes from different contractors to compare pricing, services offered, and estimated completion time.
Ask questions: Ask the contractor questions about their experience, their approach to the repair, and any concerns you may have.
Check their workmanship warranty: Ensure that the contractor offers a warranty on their workmanship.
Verify their customer service: Check the contractor’s responsiveness, ability to answer your questions and concerns, and willingness to work with you to ensure your satisfaction.
Make a decision: Choose the contractor that you feel most comfortable with, who has most industry qualifications and the best reputation for quality work.

DIY foundation crack repair can be challenging and may not always be the best option for homeowners. Here are some reasons why DIY foundation crack repair can be difficult:
Identifying the root cause: Foundation cracks can occur due to various reasons such as soil movement, poor drainage, or structural issues. Identifying the root cause of the crack can be difficult and requires expertise and knowledge.
Choosing the right repair method: There are different types of foundation crack repair methods, such as epoxy injection, hydraulic cement, or polyurethane foam injection. Choosing the right repair method for the specific type of crack and the underlying cause can be challenging.
Accessing the crack: Foundation cracks can be located in hard-to-reach areas, such as crawl spaces or behind walls, which can make repair work difficult.
Safety risks: Foundation crack repair involves working with heavy equipment, and the process can be dangerous if not done properly. It can also pose risks to the structural integrity of your home if done incorrectly.
Given the complexity of foundation crack repair, it is recommended to hire a professional contractor with experience in foundation repair to ensure that the job is done safely and effectively. However, if you have experience and knowledge of foundation repair and the crack is small and not affecting the structural integrity of your home, you can attempt DIY foundation crack repair. In any case, it is important to weigh the risks and benefits of DIY foundation crack repair before proceeding.
* Some of the required materials are available for certified, licensed and insured contractors.

There can be several reasons why your home foundation is getting cracks. Here are some of the most common reasons:
Soil movement: Soil movement is one of the most common causes of foundation cracks. Changes in soil moisture content due to seasonal changes, soil erosion, or improper grading can cause soil movement that puts pressure on the foundation walls.
Poor drainage: Poor drainage can cause water to accumulate around the foundation, leading to the expansion and contraction of the soil and causing cracks in the foundation walls.
Structural issues: Poor construction practices, such as the use of inadequate materials or improper reinforcement, can cause foundation walls to crack and shift.
Tree roots: Trees planted too close to the foundation can cause foundation damage due to the roots pushing against the foundation walls.
Earthquakes: Earthquakes can cause foundation cracks due to the shaking of the ground and the resulting pressure on the foundation walls.
Settling: Settlement occurs when the soil beneath the foundation compresses, causing the foundation to shift and crack.
If you notice foundation cracks in your home, it is important to identify the underlying cause to prevent further damage. Consulting a professional foundation repair contractor can help you identify the cause of the cracks and determine the best course of action for repair.

Water leaking through a foundation crack in your basement can be a result of several factors. Here are some of the most common causes:
Hydrostatic pressure: Hydrostatic pressure occurs when water builds up in the soil around the foundation, causing pressure against the foundation walls. This pressure can cause cracks in the foundation and allow water to seep through.
Insufficient or damaged drainage: Poor drainage can cause water to accumulate around the foundation, leading to hydrostatic pressure and water penetration through foundation cracks.
Improper waterproofing: If the new foundation cracks were not properly sealed, water can seep through the cracks and into the basement.
Inadequate waterproofing: If the foundation was not properly waterproofed during construction, water can penetrate through the foundation walls.
Shifting foundation: A shifting foundation can cause cracks in the foundation walls, allowing water to seep through.
Aged foundation: This crack on your foundation can be a result of a degraded footer or part of the wall below the grade.
Lousy reinforcement: When your house was build the contractor did not install enough of reinforcement
It is important to address water leaks through foundation cracks promptly, as they can lead to mold growth, structural damage, and health hazards. Consulting a professional foundation repair contractor can help you identify the cause of the water leaks and determine the best course of action for repair. Depending on the cause of the leak, solutions may include fixing drainage issues, sealing the cracks, or installing a waterproof membrane.

Foundation structural repair refers to the process of repairing and reinforcing the foundation of a building that has been damaged or compromised. Foundation damage can occur due to a variety of factors, such as soil movement, poor drainage, tree roots, and natural disasters, and can lead to foundation settlement, cracks, and other structural issues.
Foundation structural repair typically involves the following steps:
Inspection and assessment: A professional foundation repair contractor will inspect the foundation and identify the type and extent of damage, as well as the underlying cause.
Preparation: The repair area is prepared by clearing away any debris and excavating the soil around the foundation.
Repair: Depending on the type and extent of damage, repairs may include foundation underpinning, which involves installing additional support piers or footings to stabilize the foundation, or crack repair, which involves sealing the cracks to prevent water penetration and further damage.
Reinforcement: In some cases, the foundation may need to be reinforced with steel or other materials to provide additional support and prevent future damage.
Restoration: Once the repairs are complete, the area is backfilled and restored to its original condition.
Foundation structural repair is an important process that can help ensure the safety and stability of a building. If you suspect foundation damage, it is important to consult a professional foundation repair contractor as soon as possible to prevent further damage and potential safety hazards.

Leaking crack repair refers to the process of repairing cracks in the foundation of a building that are allowing water to seep through and cause damage. Leaking cracks in the foundation can be caused by a variety of factors, such as hydrostatic pressure, poor drainage, or shifting foundation.
The process for repairing leaking foundation cracks typically involves the following steps:
Inspection and assessment: A professional foundation repair contractor will inspect the foundation and identify the location and extent of the leaking cracks.
Preparation: The repair area is prepared by clearing away any debris and excavating the soil around the foundation to expose the crack.
Crack injection: The most common method for repairing leaking foundation cracks is to inject an epoxy (dry cracks only) or polyurethane (some dry cracks and all wet cracks) resin into the crack. The resin fills the crack and seals it from water penetration. Only specific products can be injected per each actual situation.
Reinforcement: In many cases, additional reinforcement may be needed to provide additional support to the foundation and prevent further damage. This also can be a combination of different reinforcement techniques.
Restoration: Once the crack has been repaired, the area is backfilled and restored to its original condition.
Leaking crack repair is an important process that can prevent water damage, mold growth, and structural damage to a building. If you suspect that your foundation has leaking cracks, it is important to consult a professional foundation repair contractor to assess the damage and determine the best course of action for repair.

Having structural cracks on your foundation walls can be dangerous because they can compromise the structural integrity of your building. Foundation walls are designed to support the weight of your building and distribute it evenly to the ground. Cracks can weaken the walls and cause them to shift or settle, which can lead to further cracking, bulging, or collapse.
Some of the dangers of structural cracks in foundation walls include:
Safety hazards: If the foundation walls are compromised, it can pose a safety hazard to the occupants of the building. Cracks can cause the walls to shift or collapse, which can lead to injury or death. Cracks on foundations typically lead to cracks on your interior drywalls on a level above.
Water damage: Structural cracks in foundation walls can allow water to seep into your basement or crawl space, leading to mold growth, rot, and damage to your property. This incoming in groundwater is CATEGORY 3 water or BLACK water, named specifically alarming due to the existing hazardous contaminants.
Decreased property value: If your foundation walls have structural cracks, it can decrease the value of your property and within time, make it more expensive to repair and harder to sell.
Difficulty in repair: The longer you wait to repair structural cracks in foundation walls, the more difficult and expensive it can be to fix the problem.
It is important to address any structural cracks in your foundation walls as soon as possible to prevent further damage and potential safety hazards. If you suspect that your foundation walls have structural cracks, it is important to consult a professional foundation repair contractor to assess the damage and determine the best course of action for repair.
In addition, you may experience a higher insurance premium for your property.
Denial of coverage can also occur with some very severe structural problems.